Footage Of Uvalde Police Officers Running From Shooter at Rob Elementary School Hallway Revealed
(MAGANews.Org) – In late May, 18-year-old shooter Salvador Ramos spent over 40 minutes inside Rob Elementary School, killing 19 elementary school kids and two adults before being shot and killed by a US Border Patrol tactical team.
According to reports, witnesses and family members outside the elementary school say they could hear gunshots as they begged Uvalde Police Officers to charge the building and help rescue their children.
Austin-American Statesman obtained new footage revealing police inside the school hallway running away after hearing gunfire. Police were on the scene at 11:37 am, approximately 4 minutes after Ramos entered the school.
Here is a 4-minute version of the 77-minute-long video:
A recent report revealed one Uvalde police officer requested permission from his supervisor to shoot Salvador Ramos before entering the building.
Unfortunately, the officer never got a response from the supervisor and didn’t take the shot.
You can watch the full 77-minute here. Viewer discretion is advised.
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